There is a critical need for easier access to allergy services in the United States, as the number of board-certified allergists currently represents only a small fraction of all practicing physicians. In Western New York, one of the most allergic and asthmatic regions in the country, the shortage of allergy doctors and clinics has become particularly pronounced as incidences of environmental allergies and asthma continue to rise year over year. Allergy patients in Western New York typically face an average six-week wait to see an allergy doctor with little flexibility to cancel or change appointments if needed, and to schedule immunotherapy visits at times that don’t interfere with work, school and everyday life.

WellNow Allergy, an affiliate of leading urgent care provider WellNow Urgent Care, is now accepting patients in Western New York to provide allergy sufferers of all ages with convenient, on-demand access to allergy testing and immunotherapy. Children and adults interested in seeing an allergist to diagnose and treat their environmental allergies can schedule an initial appointment and same-day allergy test with Dr. Jeanne Lomas, Director of Allergy & Immunology, at WellNow Allergy’s Clarence or Orchard Park centers. Follow-up allergy shots, if needed, can be scheduled at any of WellNow Urgent Care’s seventeen locations in Western New York.

“A six-week wait to see an allergist is simply unacceptable, especially when proper diagnosis and treatment of allergies can make such a significant impact on a patient’s quality of life,” said Jeanne Lomas, D.O., Director of Allergy & Immunology at WellNow Allergy. “That’s why I’m so proud to introduce a more accessible and convenient experience. WellNow Allergy patients can go online to schedule an appointment with us within three weeks. Even more important, perhaps, is that patients needing allergy immunotherapy will have the option to go to a WellNow Urgent Care location that is convenient for them, on a day and at a time that fits their schedule.”

Dr. Jeanne Lomas attended the University at Buffalo for undergraduate studies and completed her medical degree at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie. She completed her pediatric residency, chief residency and allergy fellowship training at the University of Rochester. Most recently, she held a dual appointment at the University of Rochester in the department of Pediatric Allergy & Immunology as well as the department of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology. During her time at the University of Rochester, Dr. Lomas treated both adult and pediatric patients and served as clinical director for Pediatric Allergy & Immunology and co-director of the Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) program.

For more information about WellNow Allergy, including locations, hours of operation and insurances accepted, visit

Heart disease and strokes kill approximately 19 million people every single year.

The World Heart Federation uses September 29, titled “World Heart Day,” to draw people’s attention to heart illnesses and all associated heart/health issues. This day, first created 20 years ago, aims to inform and educate individuals on risk factors, and it emphasizes the actions people can take to prevent/control heart disease.

Question: What are some risk factors that can be controlled?

Answer: Tobacco usage, lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet

According to the World Heart Federation, by improving these three factors, about 80% of premature deaths related to heart disease and strokes can be prevented. 

Dr. Brian Riegel, a Great Lakes Cardiovascular physician, recommends that older patients or those with a family history of heart issues go for a check-up regularly with a cardiovascular specialist. He offers great and easy ways for people to keep their heart healthy. 

He also recommends a healthy diet and at least 30 minutes of physical activity to help improve heart health. In addition, Dr. Riegel recommends staying away from secondhand smoke/quitting smoking, managing your diabetes, managing your alcohol consumption, and minimizing your salt intake to keep your heart in shape.

On World Heart Day, take care of your ticker; you only get one! 

Make sure your heart is in good hands, not only on World Heart Day, but every day. Visit Great Lakes Cardiovascular and schedule an appointment with an expert cardiologist today. 


Dr. Rohini Thodge has been a pediatrician since 1985. Her patients range in age from newborn to 21 years old, which gives her plenty of time to form strong, trusting relationships with not only the little ones in her care, but their families, too. 

When Dr. Thodge meets a newborn patient for the first time, she checks in with the parents first to find out how moms and dads are adjusting to the arrival of their new family member. She finds that first-time parents often have concerns that aren’t adequately covered in books or online resources, something Dr. Thodge herself experienced as a new mother. That’s why she’ll take the time to talk about feeding, baths, rashes, crying, hiccups, or anything else keeping new parents up at night. 

One of Dr. Thodge’s favorite parts of her job is watching her littlest patients go from being tiny babies just a few weeks old to eventually walking into her office and talking up a storm. As children get older, she’ll talk through milestones with parents, check to make sure kids are meeting motor, speech, and mental indicators, and work with families to find early intervention resources if she suspects delays. 

When Dr. Thodge isn’t taking care of her young patients, she likes to listen to Indian music and the radio, read in her native Marathi language, and work out. Exercise is her passion, and she usually fits in a combination of cardio, strength, and stretching five or six days a week. Without it, she says, she just doesn’t feel her best. 


3898 Vineyard Dr., Ste. 3 • Dunkirk, NY 14048 


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